I specialize in creating safe, nurturing spaces that meet you where you are, empowering you to transform your life, supporting your healing through the combined use of Talk Therapy, Acupuncture & TCM and SuJok Therapy.
a little bit about
What inspired me to get to where I am today
Alyx’s background stems from connection; connection not only to other people, but to self and to this curious universe. Her education, while wavering in its technical requirements, has always been focused around exactly that; earning a degree in Landscape Architecture, a diploma in Earth Architecture, a diploma in Acupuncture, and certificate in SuJok Therapy.
The one sure thing that all these studies have in common is connection. Alyx’s calling is to continue working with self, with the force of nature and with others, supporting connection and healing through the use of multiple modalities and learnings.
client Return rate
languages of energy patterns I’ve learned
cups of tea served to clients last year
minutes after waking that I have my 1st coffee
its not just acupuncture…
The story of what shaped my passion and drive towards systemic change.
One of my biggest struggles from the moment I opened my practice, was keeping to the 60-minute time limit that seemed so commonplace in the acupuncture world. So I had to ask myself why. And the discovery was beautiful.
I recognized that while some people appreciate the opportunity to relax into the protocol of my choosing…the most impactful results were born from integrative sessions. These sessions allow for time and space to talk, to explore, reflect and integrate. THIS is why my sessions are longer, and also in my belief, why my clients see such lasting results.